Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Production Schedule

12/11/12 - We first looked into the history of music videos, then made a prezi presentaion about it (Individually)

19/11/12 - We started making ideas about what song we wanted to use for our music video, and how we wanted our music video to look like and the narrative behind it all. (Individual ideas)

21/11/12 - We got into our groups and made a decision to use one person in the groups music video.

26/11/12 - We then started putting our ideas together and then made a Prezi presentation. This includes: stating the song of choice, our influences, the storyline for the music video and the senes that will take place in our music video.

28/11/12 - Cont. doing our Pre-production making sure that we was prepared to start filiming on Monday 3rd Dec.

3/12/12 - We started filimg a scene in the toilets , then on the stairs and one scene showing facial expressions.

5/12/12- We cont. to shoot more scenes for our music videos we did a couple more scenes on the stairs and in the toilet to make sure we got the perfect shot and that everything was perfect checking that camera was not out of focus..

10/12/12 - We then went on to shoot some senes outside in a park and some other close up scenes and POV shots.

12/12/12 - We began editing and adding the music (rihanna-diamonds) we then started putting the sences in the sequence of what we wanted to the music video and also edited places in where we wanted some to go slow. 

17/12/12 - We cont. the editing process with almost just a bit to edit and then reviewed the whole video with the song and everything that we had put together. 

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