Radio 4 pm
The topic is about the phenomenon Clarks the shoes
4th December 2012
Name of Programme: Analysis of the days news with Eddie Mair.
Purpose: To Inform/Educate/Entertain.
Music Beds: Vybz Kartel - Clarks playing in the background to add humour to the topic that they are talking about, which is also related to the topic. Playing in the background.
Audience: Jamaican People/ Maybe School Children/ Parents.
In the speech package at the beginning of the report Eddie Mair introduces the topic in an imformative way but also funny, informing the people about the phenomenon of the shoes clarks. The funny side of it was how back in the day school children did not find it rather trendy to wear to school which most children could relate to. It also relates to the Parents because they were always the ones who went to buy it for their children.
The music beds that is playing is a track by 'Vybz Kartel-Clarks' the song became quite huge in the jamaican community and they are quite fund about the shoes. This song is appropriate for the topic because its relating to the topic. The shoe brand is very popular in the caribbean community. They spoke to one jamaican artist Dennis Al Cappon who says if you did not wear Clarks in the caribbean they were seen as a nobody.
The language of the speech package is very formal and appropriate for the topic, its not rude and the pace is medium and easy to understand and catch on to its not all over the place and dose't have different people talking at the same time.
The Speech Package also educates about the history of clarks and bad reputation it used to have back in jamaica because the 'Rude boys' were seen to wear it all the time, and police picked on young men who used to wear them, which educates viewers about the history of it in the caribbean for those who dont know.
Speech Package #2
Radio 4pm
5th December 2012
Topic: Electronic books
Name of Programme: Eddie Mair with interviews
Time: 5o'clock news
The purpose of the speech package is to inform people about the new project that Birmingham will be building a libaray in 2013 which will involve some new gadgets such as electronic books where as you can use Wi-Fi to borrow a book from the libaray without actually going to the libaray and also talk about the advantage and disadvantages of the E books. The problem that people may stop going to the libaray and just borrowing books which will mean the libaray shop is a waste of space and should be moved.
Eddie Mair starts of the topic my intrducting what he will be talking about which are the 'Electronic books' and tells the viewers listening how major its become in the libaray community.
There is a music bed that begins the topic off and its a suitable instrumental to the topic.
There is some sound of actuality within some of the interviews in the background you can tell the interview is being held outside, because you can hear the sounds of cars driving past and the background also sounds very windy.
The audience of the speech package is aimed at people who are fund of going to the libaray and for those who like reading for them to hear about this new exciting project and the new technologies about the new ways you can now borrow books from the libaray. The age audience could be amied at people around 20-40.
The pace was ok at times the pace was speeding so it was hard to catch onto things, but at times the pace was slow when introducing the topic and what it was about so the viewers listening would understand. The language is formal and easy to also understand.
Speech package #3
Topic: About Nelson Mandela and the history of South africa
Radio 4 pm
1st December 2012
Programme Genre: History
The purpose of the speech package was to educate people about the history of South Africa and Nelson Mandela.
The audience that it is aimed at are people who are possibly intrested in history. The target audience maybe middle aged people who were around that time or possible young students who are intrested about learning history about one of the most talked Presidents to live and Nelson Mandela's struggle.
Speech package #4
Radio 4 pm
10th Decemeber 2012
Topic: Prank Phone Call/Nurse Suicide murder/Duchess of Cambridge
Programme Genre: News
Contains: Actuality
The purpose of this speech package is to inform the audience about the nurses commited suicide after receveing a prank phone call from two australian DJ's peretending to be members of the royal family.
The audience is aimed at people who want to know about the Royal family.
The actuality comes from where here the executive of the hospital talking to the press about the situation in the background you can tell they are outside because it is quite windy and you can hear cars. You can also hear the flashing of photographers cameras.
Within all four speech packages they had a lot of difference but also some simlarities. The similar thing within the speech packages was that some of them had some actuality sound in the background things like you could cars passing by, slight noise in the background or when they were outside you could tell because of the wind.
Some of them also had music beds such as background instrumental or track playing which would relate to the topic or which was appropriate for the topic. The differences were that they all had different purposes such as some were for informing purposes, some were to educate people on history and other were to entertain so they all had there different purposes.
They also had different type of programme genres such as News, School or History. Some of the speech packages were also presented in a different pace some were more slow and some were faster dependending I think on the type of topic such as if it something to do with Entertainment purpose it will be more faster and different things happening at onced, but if it was something an informative purpose it will be more slow because it wants to inform people and get people listening to what they have to say.
The audiences of the speech packages are also different. Some of the audience were aimed at Children & Parents, some were aimed at people who enjoy learning about history and some were for middle age people so each speech package had a different audience.